, geostatistics Python package by Geovariances, geostatistical Python library by Geovariances

Find all the power of Isatis.neo in

Combine the geostatistical power of Isatis.neo with the unlimited potential of Python and effortlessly build and automate your geostatistical modeling workflows like never before.

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Isatis.neo, Geostatistics made accessible

Geostatistics software solution for mapping, resource estimation, subsurface modeling

Isatis.neo embeds high-level geostatistics in a smart user-interface for ease-of-use.

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Optimize the management of your mineral resources

Our scientific excellence and mastery of innovation guarantee the quality of your evaluations

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Geostatistics applied to nuclear decommissioning and site remediation


Optimize the waste route of contaminated materials

We provide quantified risk analyses that inform your decision-making

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Optimize the management of your remediation projects

Our know-how in contamination characterization helps you make informed decisions

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Model your reservoir accurately to minimize risks

Our solutions help you obtain more reliable quantitative static models, even if they are complex

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Base your decisions on robust and reliable elements

Our solutions help you produce accurate maps, the uncertainties of which you manage perfectly

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Geovariances is the industry expert in applied geostatistics.
We meet our client needs in mapping, resource estimation, volume estimation and risk analysis.



Whatever your level in Geostatistics, we offer you a wide range of software adapted to your needs which guarantee coherent and quality results.


If you wish to improve your skills in geostatistics and become more autonomous using our software or do a refresher course, if you prefer a face to face training or a live online training, you will find a course that corresponds to your needs and your budget.


If you need expertise in geostatistics, help with a study, a team of geostatisticians, statisticians, geologists, mining engineers, environmental engineers will help you to identify the best solution for your project and put it in place for you.


Because problems evolve and we are presented with new challenges every day, we have put in place some R&D programs directly linked with your operational needs. We also facilitate access to our software with universities.


"I use Isatis.neo to validate block models generated with other software. I also like its specific tools, such as Flattening, which I used to rotate a vein and allowed me to increase kriging efficiency from 40% to 70%."

Antonio Umpire, Unit Manager Group Resource Estimation & Reporting - SIBANYE-STILLWATER
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"He vuelto a encantarme con Isatis.neo, conociendo sus herramientas cada vez más poderosas en simulaciones y con una grafica mejorada /// I am happy with Isatis.neo's continued performance. I have found its simulation tools to be increasingly powerful, with improved graphics."

Ricardo Líbano Granada, Geólogo Senior de Recursos - Antofagasta Minerals
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“O recurso mineral de 2023, estimado pelo Isatis.neo, aumentou Life of Mine e o valor dos ativos minerais da EuroChem /// The 2023 mineral resource, estimated through Isatis.neo, increased Life of Mine and Eurochem's mineral asset value.”

Rodrigo De Andrade Miotto, Specialist Geologist - Mining resources - EuroChem
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"Con Isatis.neo, usted puede implementar rápidamente flujos de trabajo en proyectos con múltiples dominios y variables a modelar /// With Isatis.neo, you can quickly implement workflows in projects involving multiple domains and variables."

Sergio Igancio Salinas Rozas, Geologist – Geostatistician - GeoEstima
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"Kartotrak is really comprehensive and user-friendly. The many tools the software contains make it particularly relevant for educational purposes. I must admit, I have better understood some concepts while using Kartotrak."

Ali Akgöz, R&D Engineer - Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency (TENMAK)
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May 7, 2024

Join Roberto Rolo's talks and workshops to learn about Isatis.neo's features like facies and grade simulation and Python-based workflow scripting.

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February 20, 2024

Explorez le potentiel de la géostatistique pour l'estimation et la classification des ressources minérales. Découvrez les meilleures pratiques.

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January 26, 2024

Enroll in CFSG, the online specialized training cycle in mining geostatistics, learn from the mining geostatistics experts and acquire the skills you need to...

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Sept. 2-6, 2024
Ponta Delgada - Azores, Portugal
Geovariances is sponsoring the 2024 Geostats Congress! Join us for engaging presentations and an interactive workshop. See you there!
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2-3 octobre 2024
Dijon, France
Vous souhaitez comprendre comment la géostatistique peut vous aider à améliorer votre compréhension du sous-sol ? Venez en discuter sur notre stand.
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